News Update

2025-03-04. Good News!
Welcome Asst. Prof. Chih-Cheng Lin, National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology to join the conference committee.


2025-02-24. Good News!
Welcome Distinguished Prof. Nirwan Ansari, New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT), US (IEEE Fellow) and Prof. Laurence T. Yang, St. Francis Xavier University, Canada (IEEE Fellow) to join ICEMT 2025 as the keynote speaker!


2025-02-24. Good News!
Welcome Assoc. Prof. Regina Garcia Almonte, City College of Calamba, Philippines to join the conference committee.


2024-03-26. Good News!
Welcome Assoc. Prof. Aryusmar, Binus University, Indonesia; Assoc. Prof. Weerachai Anotaipaiboon, Thammasat University, Thailand; Lecture. Islamiani Safitri, Universitas Labuhanbatu, Indonesia Assoc. Prof. Chun-Hung Liu, National Taitung University; Prof. Hong Chen, daiichi Institute of Technology, Japan and Senior Lecturer. MO Yee Lam, Elaine, The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong, China to join the conference committee.


2024-2-21. Good News!
In response to the numerous requests from potential authors, the final submission deadline extends to March 20, 2024.


2024-1-03. Good News!
The proceedings of ICEMT 2023 has been indexed by Ei Compendex and Scopus.


2023-12-07. Good News!
The conference proceedings of ICEMT 2023 has been included into ACM Digital Library.


2023-06-12. Good News!
In response to the numerous requests from potential authors, the final submission deadline extends to June 25, 2023.


2023-05-18. Good News!
Welcome Dr. Yogi Tri Prasetyo, Yuan Ze University, Taiwan to join the conference committee.


2023-05-10. Good News!
In response to the numerous requests from potential authors, the submission deadline extends to June 10, 2023.


2023-05-10. Good News!
Welcome Prof. Yudong Li, Nankai University, China, Prof. Yongfa Kong, Nankai University, China, Dr. Jing Chen, Nankai University, China, Assoc. Prof. Yen-Ting Lin, National Pingtung University, Taiwan to join the conference committee.


2023-04-21. Good News!
Welcome Asst. Prof. Kwang Sik CHUNG, Korea National Open Univeristy, Korea, Assoc. Prof. Yongsheng Rao, Guangzhou University, China, Assoc. Prof. Apostolos Tsagaris, International Hellenic University, Greece, Prof. Zongqiang Chen, Nankai University, China, Assoc. Prof. Ying Wang, Sofware Engineering Instiute of Guangzhou, China, Assoc. Prof. Apicha Dangchamroon, Ramkhamheang University, Thailand, Dr. Ho-ying Holly Chung, Hang Seng University of Hong Kong, China to join the conference committee.


2023-04-11. Good News!
In response to the numerous requests from potential authors, the submission deadline extends to May 10, 2023.


2023-03-13. Good News!
In response to the numerous requests from potential authors, the submission deadline extends to April 10, 2023.


2022-12-16. Good News!
The proceedings of ICEMT 2022 has been indexed by Ei Compendex and Scopus.


2022-11-24. Good News!
We sincerely invite you to participate the 7th International Conference on Education and Multimedia Technology (ICEMT 2023) . It'll be held in Tokyo, Japan during August 29-31, 2023.


2022-11-21. Good News!
The conference proceedings of ICEMT 2022 has been included in ACM Digital Library.


2022-07-18. Good News!

We are excited to announce the success of ICEMT 2022!  3 keynote, 3 plenary and 10 invited speeches, and hundreds of presentations are featuring ICEMT 2022! Looking forward to meeting you in this event.


2022-06-14. Good News!
Welcome Assoc. Prof. Qi Liu, Guangdong University of Science and Technology, China,  Assoc.Prof. Kaifang Yang, Shaanxi Normal University, China and Dr. Yongquan Li, Jinan University, China to join the conference committee.


2022-05-23. Good News!
In response to the numerous requests from potential authors, the submission deadline extends to June 05, 2022.


2022-05-10. Good News!
Assoc. Prof. Fatima M. Azmi, Prince Sultan University, Saudi Arabia confirmed to give invited speech at ICEMT 2022!


2022-04-22. Good News!
Welcome Prof. Tom Crick, Swansea University, UK to join the technical committee.


2022-04-20. Good News!
In response to the numerous requests from potential authors, the submission deadline extends to May 20, 2022.


2022-03-28. Good News!
Prof. Xiaoxiao Zhang, Jinan University, China and Assoc. Prof. Kathryn MacCallum, University of Canterbury, New Zealand confirmed to give invited speech at ICEMT 2022!


2022-03-21. Good News!
In response to the numerous requests from potential authors, the submission deadline extends to April 20, 2022.

2022-03-15. Good News!
Welcome Dr. Elena V. Tikhonova, MGIMO University, Russia to join the technical committee.

2022-02-28. Good News!
Welcome Assoc. Prof. Xie Ming, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore to join the technical committee.

2022-02-22. Good News!
Welcome Assoc. Prof. Ioan-Gheorghe Rotaru, Prof. Iryna Sekret and Assoc. Prof. Manuel B. Garcia to join the technical committee.

2022-02-21. Good News!
School of Information Technology in Education, South China Normal University released the conference flyer. 华南师范大学教育信息技术学院发布ICEMT 2022 会议通知

2022-02-21. Good News!
In response to the numerous requests from potential authors, the submission deadline extends to March 20, 2022.

2022-01-18. Good News!
Welcome Dr. Fan Ouyang, Zhejiang University, China to join the technical committee.

2022-01-12. Good News!
Welcome Assoc. Prof. Yu-Mei Wang, University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA to be the North America Regional Co-Chair.

2021-12-27. Good News!
Prof. Fang Wang, Wilfrid Laurier University, Canada confirms to give invited speech at ICEMT 2022.

2021-12-17. Good News!
Prof. Changsoo Je, Sogang University, South Korea to be the program committee co-chair.

2021-12-16. Good News!
Prof. Edwin P. Christmann, Slippery Rock University, US confirms to give invited speech at ICEMT 2022.

2021-12-15. Good News!
Welcome Prof. Danielle Riverin-Simard, Laval University, Canada to join the technical committee.

2021-12-15. Good News!
Welcome Assoc. Prof. Lishan Zhang, Central China Normal University, China to be the program committee co-chair.

2021-12-14. Good News!
Welcome Assoc. Prof. Aryusmar Kartadilaga,Universitas Bina Nusantara, Indonesia to be the publicity committee co-chair.

2021-12-13. Good News!
Welcome Prof. Shaoying Liu (IEEE Fellow, BCS Fellow) Hiroshima Univesrity, Japan to be the advisory committee chair.

2021-11-28. Good News!
Welcome Assoc Prof. Min Chen, Assoc. Prof. Shan Wang, Assoc.Prof.Haobin Yuan and Assoc.Prof. Nataliya Shlenskaya join in the Organizing Committee.

2021-11-28. Good News!
Welcome Assoc Prof. Min Chen, Assoc. Prof. Shan Wang, Assoc.Prof.Haobin Yuan and Assoc.Prof. Nataliya Shlenskaya join in the Organizing Committee.

2021-11-25. Good News!
Welcome Assoc. Prof. Anabelie V. Valdez, Assoc. Prof. Yang Chen, Prof. Zhixian Zhong join in the Organizing Committee!

2021-11-24. Good News!
Welcome Prof. Anja Pfennig from HTW Berlin-University of Applied Sciences, Germany give Plenary Speech ICEMT 2022!

2021-11-24. Good News!
Welcome Assoc. Prof. Cai Su from Beijing Normal University to give Invited Speech ICEMT 2022!

2021-11-18. Good News!
Welcome Assoc. Prof. Yang Chen from Harbin Institute of Technology (Shenzhen), China give Invited Speech ICEMT 2022!

2021-11-12. Good News!
2022 6th International Conference on Education and Multimedia Technology (ICEMT 2022), which will be held in Guangzhou, China during July 13-15, 2022.

2021-11-09. Good News!
The proceedings of ICEMT 2021 has been indexed by Ei Compendex and Scopus.

2021-10-18. Good News!
The conference proceedings of ICEMT 2021 has been included in ACM Digital Library.

2021-07-30. Good News!
ICEMT 2021 was successfully held in online format during July 23-25 , 2021!

2021-05-21. Good News!
The submission deadline is extended to June 15, 2021. Welcome to submit your paper to ICEMT 2021!

2021-05-06. Good News!
Weclome Prof. Hui-Wen Huang, Prof. Estela Marine-Roig and Asst. Prof. Aloysius Yapp to join the committee.

2021-03-21. Good News!
The submission deadline is extended to May 20, 2021. Welcome to submit your paper to ICEMT 2021!

2021-02-11. Good News!
The submission deadline is extended to March 20, 2021. Welcome to submit your paper to ICEMT 2021!

2021-01-15. Good News!
Weclome Prof. Colin Mathew Hugues D Gill and Asst. Prof. Dongyi Zhou to join the committee.

2020-11-12. Good News!
ICEMT 2020 Proceedings has been indexed by Ei Compendex and Scopus after about one month online!

2020-11-04. Good News!
ICEMT 2022 will be held in Kyoto, Japan during July 23-25, 2021!

2020-10-04. Good News!
The conference proceedings of ICEMT 2020 has been included into ACM Digital Library.

2020-07-27. Good News!
ICEMT 2020 was successfully held in online format during July 23-25 , 2020!

2020-06-08. Good News!
Accepted excellent papers by ICEMT 2020 will be published by ACM, which will be archived in the ACM Digital Library, and sent to be indexed by EI Compendex and Scopus.

2020-04-27. Good News!
Welcome Prof. Douglas O’Shaughnessy from Institut national de la recherche scientifique (INRS-EMT), Quebec, Canada to be one of the keynote speakers.

2020-04-26. Good News!
The keynote speech title and abstract of Prof. Akihiko Sugiyama are updated.

2020-04-26. Good News!
Welcome Prof. Akihiko Sugiyama from Yahoo! JAPAN Research to be one of the keynote speakers.

2020-04-16. Good News!
Welcome Assoc. Prof. Pljonkin Anton Pavlovich from Southern Federal University, Russia to be one of the invited speakers.

2020-03-12. Good News!
Papers of ICEMT 2019 were indexed by EI Compendex and Scopus.

2020-03-01. Good News!
ICEMT 2020 The online/video presentation are acceptable on ICEMT 2020.

2020-2-21. Good News!
ICEMT 2020 conference venue information has been updated.

2019-11-22. Good News!
ICEMT 2019 conference proceedings have been indexed by Scopus.

2019-11-08. Good News!
ICEMT 2019 has been held successfully in Nagoya, Japan from July 22-25, 2019. Now, we announce that ICEMT 2020 will be held in Kyoto, Japan from July 19-22, 2020.

2019-10-26. Good News!
The conference proceedings of ICEMT 2019 has been included into ACM digital library.

2019-11-08. Good News!
ICEMT 2019 has been held successfully in Nagoya, Japan from July 22-25, 2019. Now, we announce that ICEMT 2020 will be held in Kyoto, Japan from July 19-22, 2020.

2019-07-21. Good News!
The conference program is ready now. Please download it.

2019-06-04. Good News!
Welcome Assoc. Prof. Eric C.K. Cheng from The Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong to deliver the keynote speech at ICEMT 2019.

2019-05-27. Good News!
Please note as the submission exceeded our expectations and the limitation on the conference rooms, so we have to change the conference venue to Hotel Mielparque Nagoya not in Nagoya Unviersity. Sorry for any inconvenience caused.

2019-04-26. Good News!
The submission deadline has been extended to May 25, 019. Welcome to submit the articles to the conference.

2019-03-28. Good News!
Accepted excellent papers by ICEMT 2019 will be published in the International Conference Proceedings ACM, which will be archived in the ACM Digital Library, and sent to be indexed by EI Compendex and Scopus.

2019-03-26. Good News!
The submission deadline has been extended to April 25, 2019. Welcome to submit your articles to ICEMT 2019.

2019-03-15. Good News!
The speech title and abstract for invited speaker Prof. Wei-Tsong Wang has been updated. dated.

2019-03-06. Good News!
The conference proceedings of ICEMT 2018 has been indexed by EI Compendex and Scopus.

2019-02-19. Good News!
Welcome Prof. Jay Rajasekera, Prof. Hiroko Kanoh and Dr. Jeya Amantha to join in the conference committee of ICEMT 2019.